It’s never too late to turn back time.

Woman doing a plank exercise Front Raise, older man

Because that’s how returning to fitness can feel: like you’re younger and healthier than you’ve been in years. You’re more energetic. Stronger. Able to move more easily, and with less pain.

Even if you’re recovering from an injury or have a chronic condition, fitness that’s tailored to your specific needs can help the healing process—and so can the joy you’ll get out of it. We can help with both.

We can come to your living room, your apartment building gym, your office, a local park, independent trainer gyms, or Zoom.

Clients are not required to wear masks for home sessions. For gym sessions, we follow each gym’s mask policy. All staff are fully vaccinated.

Single personal training or yoga sessions are $200 (50-60 min). Single massage therapy or nutrition coaching sessions are $300 (80-90 min).

Three easy ways to get started:

Fitness Fusion

4 personal training or sessions (housecalls)
+ 4 massage therapy sessions / month

OR 12 personal training sessions / month

Includes all equipment needed to complete the workouts. Plus a free massage table!

$1,800/month for 6 months

Strengthen and Soothe

4 personal training or sessions (housecalls)
+ 2 massage therapy sessions / month

OR 8 personal training sessions / month

Includes all equipment needed to complete the workouts. Plus a free massage table!

$1,200/month for 6 months

Relax and Reset

4 massage therapy sessions / month

Includes a free massage table!

$1,200/month for 6 months

Want something else? Click here for ALL our packages and pricing.

Your health comes first. We’re experienced in:

“I found their personal training to be very professional—able to work around my “infirmities” and give me some good, helpful routines.”
–Jessica Marlow, retiree